The hypocritic Dravidian actor Suriya, who has often virtue signaled with his Anti-Hindi sentiments and urged Tamil people to avoid learning the language, recently made a surprising statement about Mumbai, a city where Hindi predominates. Suriya, who moved to the city with his wife Jyotika and their children Diya and Dev, expressed his appreciation for the city, saying it is “full of interesting opportunities for my kids, wife, and me.”
In a recent interview with Times of India, Suriya explained his move to Mumbai, mentioning how it has made work-related travel easier. “Earlier, I used to visit Mumbai often, but now that I’ve moved here, it’s more convenient to meet people for work. My wife, Jyotika, is from Mumbai, so we decided to make this move. My children are enrolled in a school here, and they’re quite settled. I wanted Jyotika to spend more time with her family and friends here, and I enjoy driving around the city and taking my kids out for activities,” Suriya shared.
The actor, who has recently purchased an apartment in Mumbai, added, “The city offers plenty of opportunities for all of us, and I enjoy the vibe it has to offer.”
While Mumbai may be home now, Suriya clarified that he would continue to divide his time between Mumbai and Chennai for work commitments. He is currently in talks with filmmaker Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra for a mythological drama, Karnan. “My meeting with Rakeysh went very well, but I can’t reveal much yet,” he said. When asked if he would focus more on Bollywood projects now, he responded, “I will keep working in both Chennai and Mumbai. If interesting offers come from the Hindi film industry, why not? I have a home in Chennai too, so I will continue to shuttle between both cities.”
Hypocrite Suriya
The Dravidianist hypocritic actor, Suriya, who has claimed that there are more opportunities in Mumbai and that he would gladly accept offers from the Hindi film industry, has committed a series of contradictions. While in Chennai, he virtue-signals to the public, opposing “Hindi imposition” and positioning himself as a defender of Tamil culture. Yet, when in Mumbai, he eagerly enjoys panipuri, speaks in Hindi, and participates in Hindi-based programs and YouTube shows. If hypocrisy had a name, it would undoubtedly be Suriya.
Let’s talk about the blatant double standards here. The Kollywood actor who is known for his Dravidianist leanings and along with his wife Jothika would virtue-signal people of Tamil Nadu had opposed teaching Hindi to students in the state. Ironically, he featured a scene in his film Jai Bhim where a North Indian man is slapped for speaking Hindi.
Additionally, this Hindi opposer also moved to Mumbai in search of “better opportunities” for his wife, and better school facilities for his children and also journeyed across Mumbai and Delhi to promote his upcoming movie Kanguva in Hindi.
Even hypocrisy would shy away looking at Suriya and his family, who publicly criticize the language preventing others from benefiting from it in Tamil Nadu, all while lining their own pockets.
In an attempt at what seems like a promotional activity for his film Kanguva, Suriya is seen in conversation with the host of the Curly Tales YouTube channel. He is seen conversing comfortably in Hindi, relishing TN’s most “hated” dish – the panipuri, discusses the differences between Mumbai and Chennai. He accepts that he had not travelled much in the country – explains the shortsightedness of Dravidianism as well. He goes on to praise Mumbai saying he loved the food and the people and that the people are more friendly and open in Mumbai.
As they continue to eat and discuss the film Kanguva, he says, “I don’t know how to talk numbers but would love to satisfy like know as many as possible know audience across States across language.”
Yet another instance of doing whatever it takes even if it means bending backwards to make money.
He further adds, “I saw 12th fail also really moved me, so every time you keep learning from each other’s language be it a Bengali film or a Marathi film or be it a Kannada film, a Malayalam film, we keep learning from every language and try to get better with your craft, right.”
Then the conversation veers toward Suriya’s entry into Bollywood and he says, “There’s been a lot of discussion happening, it takes time before a film comes on floor, it’s a process but that process now started a year back. I would say if I would want to do something like that maybe that will be the first film I don’t want to name it I don’t want to announce it here but when it comes it’ll be nice if the producers announce.”
While this is the extended video, here comes the clincher. In a short 1 minute video on Curly Tales, Suriya is seen meddling with the food on his plate when he is asked in Hindi, “How did you like Imlee? Say this in Hindi.“ Suriya replies, “Bahut bahut achcha (very very good)”.
Actor Suriya once expressed concern, saying, “I find it hard to teach a third language to my own kids even, who will teach government school students then? If we are going to be silent about this policy, it’ll be imposed on us”. However, in Mumbai, he responded to the language with enthusiasm, saying, “Bahut bahut accha!”
Suriya in Tamil Nadu:
"I find it hard to teach a third language to my own kids even, who will teach government school students then? If we are going to be silent about this policy, it'll be imposed on us".
Suriya in Mumbai:
"Bahut bahut accha"🤪
— Scarlet Heart 🐬 (@_Saffron_Girl_) November 13, 2024
Suriya’s entire persona is a masterclass in hypocrisy. He publicly criticizes the use of Hindi in Tamil Nadu, all while lining his pockets by playing the Bollywood game when the opportunities arise. It’s clear that Tamil pride is just a façade for him, one he pulls out when it serves his agenda. If hypocrisy had a face, it would be Suriya’s.
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