Karthik Gopinath, State Vice President of the Tamil Nadu BJP IT Wing, submitted a petition to the Chennai City Commissioner’s office requesting action against individuals who circulated a fake letter on social media that falsely claimed senior BJP leader and Convenor of the Tamil Nadu BJP Co-ordination Committee H Raja had written to the central leadership expressing dissatisfaction with the state BJP president, K Annamalai.
On 17 January 2025, BJP leader Gopinath filed a complaint against Gayathri Raguram, Deputy Secretary of the AIADMK State Women’s Wing, Dhivya Marunthiah, General Secretary of the Tamil Nadu Congress OBC Wing, and journalist Damodharan Prakash (also known as Nakheeran Prakash) for circulating a fake, morphed letter. The Chennai Commissioner’s office has acknowledged the complaint and will initiate an investigation.
Filed a complaint with Chennai commissioner’s office against @Vinothini_ADMK ( for want of original identity), @Gayatri_Raguram@DhivCM & @sathrak1967 for spreading a forged letter in the name of Shri @HRajaBJP avl and with the intent to defame @annamalai_k avl .
Hope the police… pic.twitter.com/CohJJPV95V— karthik gopinath (@karthikgnath) January 17, 2025
This ongoing spread of misinformation by Dravidianists comes despite Raja’s clear clarification that the letter in question is fabricated and morphed. Yet, they have continued to propagate the falsehoods. On 16 January 2025, Raja clarified via his official x account that, “Fake news is being spread on social media by anti-social elements to tarnish my reputation. I want to clarify that legal action will be taken against the individual responsible for creating and disseminating this false information. Action will also be taken against whoever is involved in spreading this misinformation.”
என் பெயருக்கு களங்கம் வரவைக்கும் வகையில், சமூக விரோதிகளால் தவறான தகவல்கள் (FAKE NEWS) சமூக வலைதளங்களில் பரப்பப்பட்டு வருகின்றது.
இந்த போலி தகவலை தயார் செய்து பரப்பிய நபர் மீது சட்டரீதியான நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கப்படும் என்பதை தெரிவித்துக்கொள்கின்றேன். இந்த பொய்யான தகவலை யார்… pic.twitter.com/jVBD4ic9Fn
— H Raja (@HRajaBJP) January 16, 2025
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