The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) intervened to restore sanctity after a Tulsi plant near the revered Guruvayur Temple was allegedly desecrated by Abdul Hakeem, the owner of National Paradise Restaurant. A purification ceremony, including Tulsi Vandana, was performed under the leadership of VHP District Joint Secretary Anoop, with participation from Hindu Aikya Vedi activists, Temple Protection Committee members, and local devotees.
What Happened?
The desecration incident came to light after a video went viral on social media, showing Hakeem allegedly plucking pubic hair and throwing it on the Tulsi plant. The act sparked widespread outrage, prompting the VHP to organize the purification ritual to reaffirm the sanctity of the Tulsi altar.
The Thrissur City Police, in a Facebook post, has been allegedly trying to claim that Hakeem has allegedly been suffering from a mental disability for 25 years and is undergoing treatment.
They also issued a warning against sharing the video, stating that posts fostering social unrest would result in strict legal action.
Hindu Aikya Vedi filed a complaint regarding the incident, leading to Hakeem’s arrest, according to social media reports. This is not the first time Hakeem has faced allegations. In 2017, health inspectors seized stale and spoiled food from his restaurant, National Paradise Restaurant, marking the third such raid. Earlier incidents were reportedly suppressed due to political intervention.
Abdul Hakeem from Guruvayur has been arrested following a complaint filed by the Hindu Aikya Vedi 💪🚩.
This isn’t his first offense. His past actions include:🐷👇🏻
On January 12, 2017, health inspectors seized stale and spoiled food from his New Paradise Hotel. This was not…
— महारथी-മഹാരഥി (@MahaRathii) January 15, 2025
Hakeem has also been accused of pelting stones at buses carrying Ayyappa devotees and allegedly installing hidden cameras in the hotel’s restrooms, leading to multiple complaints at the Guruvayur police station.
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