The much-anticipated animated film Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama is now set to release on 24 January 2025, after being postponed from its original 18 October 2024, date. This remarkable collaboration between India and Japan merges the animation styles of both nations, delivering a visually stunning and authentic retelling of Valmiki’s timeless epic.
The wait is over! Experience India’s greatest epic in all its glory! Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama releasing on January 24, 2025, in Hindi, English, Tamil, and Telugu.
An unmissable 4K experience awaits!
Trailer out in 2 days!Theatrical distributed by @geekpictures_india…
— Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama (Official) (@RamayanaAnime) January 8, 2025
Originally released in 1992, Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama was directed by Koichi Sasaki and Ram Mohan. Created with hand-drawn animation, the film blended traditional Indian storytelling with Japanese anime techniques, captivating audiences with its creativity and attention to detail. The latest version brings in renowned screenwriter V. Vijayendra Prasad, known for his work on Baahubali and RRR, to modernize the narrative while preserving the epic’s spiritual essence. It will be released in multiple languages, including Hindi, English, Tamil, and Telugu, and distributed by Excel Entertainment.
The film’s creation is a story of dedication and cultural collaboration. The idea was conceived in 1984 when Japanese producer Yugo Sako visited India to make a documentary about Ayodhya. Miscommunication led to reports claiming he was making a new Ramayana, sparking protests from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). Undeterred, Sako shifted his focus to creating an animated film that would honor the epic’s noble message.
Sako, deeply influenced by Indian philosophy, partnered with India’s leading animator, Ram Mohan. However, despite four years of efforts courting 16 government departments, India declined to collaborate on the project, dismissing animation as a mere “cartoon.” Undaunted, Sako returned to Japan, where he secured funding from a youth association and recruited a team of 350 animators and Star Wars-caliber special effects artists.
The production, which took nearly a decade, was a labor of love. Sako’s vision was to present Lord Ram as a role model for Japan’s youth while respecting the epic’s spiritual depth. Despite challenges, including financial and cultural hurdles, the film emerged as a groundbreaking fusion of Indian and Japanese artistry.
In a heartfelt letter, Yugo Sako expressed his deep connection to India and the Ramayana. He described his spiritual journey through India and his admiration for its culture, which inspired him to persevere despite obstacles. Sako viewed the Ramayana not just as a story but as a philosophical guide for life, blending tenderness, strength, and timeless wisdom.
The 4K version of Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama promises to enchant modern audiences with its captivating visuals and engaging storytelling. With its rich history of cross-cultural collaboration and dedication to preserving the epic’s essence, the film is poised to leave an indelible mark as a cinematic masterpiece.
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