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23 Tamil Nadu prisoners recover from COVID after taking Siddha medicine

23 of the 25 prisoners have been cured of Covid-19 after being treated with Siddha medicines, while the other two are on their way to recovery.

Tamil Nadu and Kerala, have been using Ayurvedic and Siddha medicines to treat Covid-19 patients. Tamil Nadu government allowed doctor’s to treat the prisoners with Siddha medicines, a traditional method indigenous to the state.

The state government had started to test the efficacy of Siddha Medicine to tackle COVID after it found positive results. A team was set up for this with state director — Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy — S Ganesh, National Institute of Siddha director R Meena Kumari, Siddha specialist doctors Jayaprakash Narayanan, K Veerababu besides others.

A medical team headed by Veerababu treated the prisoners. The 25 prisoners were given Kabasura Kudineer – a Siddha formulation officially allowed by the Tamil Nadu government, herbal tea, and sunbath for a week.

Tamilnadu from now on will give the choice of which system of treatment the patient wishes to undergo (Siddha or Allopathy) as both have been found working.

So far, Tamil Nadu has reported 42,687 coronavirus positive cases with 397 deaths. Of these, Chennai alone accounts for 30,444 cases with 316 deaths.

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