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2024’s Great Indian Election Juggernaut: A Clash Of Socio-Economic-Cultural Ideologies

The 2024 Lok Sabha elections are poised to be one of the most predictable in the last three decades yet also one of the most edgy, bitterly contested ones – it is a battle of two very different ideologies. The BJP is expected to win by a comfortable majority, a conclusion that even international leaders and foreign media have taken for granted.

While the Congress-Left-supposedly-secular parties continue to cry foul and childishly blame factors like communal polarisation, “unfair” electoral practices, or alleged misuse of government agencies like the ED (Enforcement Directorate), the BJP continues its winning streak, election after election. What the Congress-Left-supposedly-secular-combine fails to understand or refuses to acknowledge, is that the past two national elections (2014, 2019) and the upcoming 2024 one, were and are, primarily a promotion of one Economic-Social-Aspirational-Cultural ideology over the other.

A win for one ideology over the other in 2024, would be a clear indication of what young and middle-aged Indian citizens, continue to desire, in terms of their socio-economic and financial goals over the next decade, while continuing to take pride in their unique culture and identity. A majoritarian vote in favour of one ideology over the other will also emphasise the desires and goals of the nation’s citizens across the economic divide of poor, rich, and middle-class, each striving to either better their status or maintain it.

The BJP’s ideology, endeavours to appeal to the citizens with promises of a new, modern India proritising capitalist ideals where individual talent, enterprise, ambitions, hard work, and moderate risk-taking are appropriately rewarded. This ideological approach favours India’s growth fuelled by private enterprise, job creation, and technology-driven innovation, to fast-track India’s growth story and stay competitive in the world market. While the BJP understands the need for some public-sector/ government oversight as well as socially uplifting schemes and addresses such needs appropriately, it also strives to enable private enterprise to drive the bulk of the economy in a competitive world rather than run the nation with too much
government interference in almost every sector.

The BJP’s economy-based, market-driven, capital/investment-favoured approach, seeks to cut back on larger-than-necessary government control of the nation’s economic factors while seeking to nominally preserve and fund government initiatives to reach social goals such as poverty reduction and food, shelter, education, fuel subsidies for the economically-disadvantaged sections of society.

Cutting back on government expenditure and interference, except where it is truly needed, allows this ideological approach to set aside the much-needed funds for national security, research and development, international negotiations, and clout, which in turn, gives the nation a better chance at faster growth and global competitiveness. While aggressively pursuing its economic agenda for the country, the BJP does not neglect the cultural and spiritual aspects of its core ideology, instilling a sense of pride in being “Indian”.

The other ideology promulgated by the Congress party and their Left allies, continues to focus on the socialist-communist ideals of the Congress parties and all the Left/Socialist parties, emphasising substantial government control over a majority of economic factors, such as a large government stake in and oversight of certain industries, agriculture, transportation, telecom services and the financial sector among others. This approach aims to expand government control over important aspects of economic growth while continuing to expand a communist-socialist culture dependent on heavily subsidised goods and services and promises of “free” goodies.

The Congress-Left ideology does not actively promote private enterprise, job creation, and large-scale citizen investments that would naturally occur in a market-driven economy with fewer government controls. This approach continues to talk of social upliftment via subsidies, free goods, and continued dependence on government handouts instead of providing the tools and economic as well as financial conditions, to enable people to take charge of their lives and reduce their dependence on government handouts and political influence/ interference. A focus on subsidising essential goods and services beyond what the national economy can afford, depletes the nation of much-needed funds for national security, growing the economy, and staying competitive in an increasingly competitive world.

The BJP’s ideology proactively promotes its socio-economic goals for the nation, yet does not ignore the cultural aspects of an ancient, unique civilisation. It continues to encourage Indian citizens and people of Indian origin living around the globe, to take pride in their culture, history, heritage, and spiritual lineage. In contrast, the Congress-Left combine discourages cultural and civilisational pride among Indian people, while actively and openly promoting a communist-socialist agenda that seeks to dilute cultural and religious identities, in favour of a worldwide socio-economic identity.

The current mood of the nation appears to be in favour of what the BJP stands for – National security, Economic prosperity based on private enterprise and job creation, International clout and bargaining power, and Cultural and civilisational pride. If a majority of pre-poll survey predictions do come true, it would speak highly of the BJP’s success story after a decade in power and counting. A strong BJP will continue to steer the nation through challenging times under the able leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his top-notch team of ministers, advisors, and diplomats.

Shivani is a freelance writer from Vijayawada.

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